The buying process has changed over the past five years and no longer has its strongest roots in relationship and value based sales. By understanding how companies are making buying decisions your sales force can strategically engage, win, and grow accounts. Knowing your customers buying process allows your sales teams to create a strategy that engages prospects at the right time, the right level, with the right message.
Large accounts are looking for innovative ideas and change agents that challenge the status quo. They want your sales force to be subject matter experts not only on your offerings but on their company's: goals, initiatives, critical success factors, processes, and the obstacles they face in achieving success. They want your company to be an external force sharing ideas and innovations of which, their internal staff would not have considered. Sales teams must be able to tie their products and offerings to one of four business results; (a) Top line revenue, (b) Business effectiveness (c) Business efficiency, and/or (d) Net profit.
If your sales people can't make $100,000+ in less than 40 hours a week, you are either doing something wrong or they are in the wrong industry or role. We have seen teams who perpetually under perform begin to over achieve by applying the techniques and strategies we share.
Strategic Account Sales Training will NOT Waste Your Time
The one thing we guarantee is that we will not waste your time! Our sales and management strategies can be applied from day one. Having coached over 3600 sales professionals in our 20+ years of experience we have gathered strategies and techniques from the best of the best and mixed these with PhD/MBA level business strategies and put them into one training package.
Strategic Training Helps Avoid Costly Turn Over: Turn B Players into A Players
In my first sales role for a multi-billion-dollar corporation, my manager sent me through internal sales training, gave me a set of business cards and sent me into my territory. The first twelve accounts I visited told me I was the fifth, yes fifth, sales person from that company to call on them. Do you think they would ever trust that company with a critical business function? Successful sales teams are not created by a one time beginners class. They are created through mentoring, continuous improvement training, good coaching, and accountability.
Create High-Performing High-Margin Sales Teams
We believe that sales training must have a measurable return on investment. During our training and coaching sessions we ask each sales person/management team to bring three-to-five strategic accounts that would significantly help meet or exceed their quota. The sales teams learn how and create a strategy to engage, present, and win these accounts. The sales managers are a critical part in creating and executing the strategic plans so we ask they attend every session. As we work with your managers we assess their skills and provide a GAP analysis with recommendations on how to coach and mentor them to success.
Create a Sales Culture of Success
Success breeds success. Successful people want to be around other successful people. Successful people pull others up with them. We concentrate on being EFFECTIVE in sales and sales management. Every action, every step, every meeting must produce the expected outcome. Once the desired outcome is achieved efficiencies can be added. Our attendees regularly outperform their peers while working fewer hours.
Why Hire Us Today?
We are business people like you. We are dedicated and concentrate on making your business more profitable and therefore securing a brighter future for you. We stay away from useless discussions over sales theory and process and concentrate on actionable items that your staff can put to use on day one!
Greg Buschman, PhDc
President/Managing Partner
Greg Buschman, a PhDc in Creative Leadership for Innovation and Change and SPC adjunct professor, is one of five global G7 Expert Trainers in the world, and serves on the Print Properties & Colorimetric Council, as well as the GRACoL Collaborating Group. He holds Master of Science degrees in Marketing & Information systems, Summa Cum Laude, and is also an author, G7 Expert, Certified Continuous Improvement Professional in Print, & CompTIA SME.
He has helped shape the digital color management and printing landscape for almost 20 years engaging in projects such as co-founding the first ever OEM G7 digital press services program, co-authoring one of the only Apple certified color management certifications for the digital printing industry and serving as an SME for the CompTIA CDIA+ certification. He started his career at age 19 as a young entrepreneur, and in his 20-year corporate career he's held regional, national, and multi-national positions in corporate education, technology marketing, professional services & strategic leadership.
"Learning the secrets of being an effective servant leader helping others succeed in both business and life has provided my family a rich and full life; enjoying family, quality of life, faith, & a healthy work/life balance." says Buschman.